Thank you for your interest in signing our Guest Book. Please send your comments to the following email and we will post the message in due course. Thanks again.
God Bless You!
Optionally, you may call Rev.Fr. Peter Jitendran, the Parish Priest.
Thank you.
Just for your information:
The Sunday Tamil Mass takes place as follows:
Every Sunday at 4:30 PM
@ St. Theresa's Catholic Church
Shrine of the Little Flower
2559 Kingston Road,
Scarborough, Ontario M1M 1M1
(Midland & Kingston Road)
Total Entries: 22
Jude Sunday, 12/11/05, 7:26 AM
well done! it is good to improove a lot with more facilities. can add Tamil bible, Tamil devitional songs, Tamil prayers etc..... Even though we are living in foriegn country we should not forget our roots,means we are God's children. we have to be with God and always we need God. Family prayers,Holy mass in Sundays and days of obligation and especially it is bit difficult but a good confession which helps us to open our hearts for Christ. As a united family join together to spread the good news through this web site. united with Jesus keep smiling! with love and prayers Jude
From: Srilanka but at the moment in a Seminary in Europe
dinesh.k Sunday, 11/20/05, 3:04 AM
From: tirunelveli(Tamilnadu)(india)
Veni Thursday, 11/17/05, 9:42 AM
Good work
Joe Juwachim Monday, 8/22/05, 5:24 AM
Congratulations on the achievement of getting a Church for Tamil Catholics in Toronto. It is a great news for all of us. Let us forget the past differences and get united to build our community spirit.
From: Mississauga
Linus Arulanandam Saturday, 8/20/05, 7:14 PM
I am happy to know that we have a website for our Tamil Mission in Toronto. Please continue this good service when we move to our new Tamil Mission...St Joseph's Church.
From: Brampton
Web Site: BrulinFamily
R.J.R.Seelan Thursday, 8/11/05, 8:04 AM
This is a wonderful service. for more catholic tamil songs please log in
From: Madurai Tamilnadu, India
Vaishnavi J Monday, 7/25/05, 7:50 AM
Hi, Excellent website. I'm so glad to see a website for our own people with lots of stuff. Kepp up the good work. Romen Catholic are always organized and smart. I am proud of 'Thamils Catholics' in Toronto. Luv Vaishu.
From: Toronto
Web Site: Vaishnavi Universe
Raj Friday, 6/3/05, 9:37 AM
I'm really glad to view yur page!Coz i'm also fr the Chapel of our lady of good health,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Good job! Well Done. Its my sugesstion; to whom it may concern, it will be nice if u'll can insert some of our mothers'[our lady of good health] tamil hymn's plus the music scores in pdf form. Thank U very much May god bless U.
From: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
David Thomas Saturday, 5/28/05, 9:25 PM
End of next month our lady of good health tamil mission have many changes. why good health mission counsil did not inform to the tamil catholic community what are the changes going to take place in the mission. I heard the church location is going to be lesley and queen st Joseph church, Rev.Far.Patrick Gnnapragasam is leaving. and tamil mission name now our Lady of good health what is the name when all this changes take place. please public in the web about all the necessary changes. Thanks.
From: Toronto
Web Site:
Yalin Pirapakaran Thursday, 2/24/05, 11:00 AM
hi, the page looks nice but all the pictures are kind of small to see. please wide the photo size.
From: sri lanka
Web Site: n/a
nathan Monday, 1/17/05, 11:42 PM
actually the people who are living in canada they are helping coz of the advertisement. they need to put their's name on the list. really sri lankan people we are very shame to get help from canadian tamil people.
From: sri lankan in matale
Ramkumar Monday, 1/17/05, 7:09 PM
From: North York
Jude Gratian Alfred Monday, 1/17/05, 7:05 PM
From: Toronto
Jeevithakumar. M. Monday, 1/17/05, 6:59 PM
Fabulous job guys :) Keep it up. You can be really proud of yourselves! JK.
From: Waterloo, ON.
T. Anton Selvakumar Wednesday, 1/12/05, 11:04 AM
Great Job Guys. I am so happy to see the growth of the Tamil Catholic community in Canada.
From: Jaffna - Sri Lanka
Web Site: T. Anton's Kavithaikal
George JV Rasanayagam Wednesday, 1/12/05, 10:56 AM
I am so happy to see the own website of my parish. Excellent Job, Your hard job on this web site is very much appreciated . Keep it up. V.R. George
From: Toronto - Canada
Web Site: George's World